Trilateral Chemical Region

Tuesday 19 November 2024:

Trilateral Chemical Strategy Event Brussels

The President Brussels Hotel, Bd Roi Albert II 44, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

Chemical industry as the basis for a prosperous and sustainable Europe

A limited number of places is available. Registration on a first-come-first-serve base.


The European chemical industry is facing challenging times as the transition towards a net-zero and circular economy is at full swing, and at the same time competitiveness of European industry is at stake. It is a delicate balance to create a world leading industry outperforming in sustainability on the one hand, and to provide a competitive investment climate and strategic autonomy for Europe on the other. The trilateral chemical strategy aims to facilitate this dual ambition.   


In the aftermath of European elections, we invite CEOs, directors and policy makers from the trilateral industrial region of North Rhine-Westphalia, Flanders and The Netherlands and from the European Commission, for the trilateral event ‘Chemical industry as the basis for a prosperous and sustainable Europe’. 


Our Vision

Vision 2030
In a global competitive environment that is changing drastically, the trilateral chemical industry faces fundamental economic, environmental and technological challenges. To prepare for the future, capture the benefits of a growing chemical industry and remove existing bottlenecks for this development, an important strategic process had been launched in 2017. North Rhine-Westphalia, the Netherlands and Flanders agreed on a joint vision on the future development of their flagship industry – the chemical industry. 

Our Initiative

Trilog Chair 2024 - North Rhine-Westphalia
The initiative is coordinated by a Trilog chair region with a rotating one year term. The chair is currently held by North Rhine-Westphalia.
"40% of the European chemical industry is located in the heart of the Netherlands, Flanders and North Rhine-Westphalia. However, the sector is facing major challenges - not least due to the climate-neutral transformation and the current conjunctural development.
It is therefore all the more important that our regions work together to strengthen regional innovative capacity. Because the core of our competitiveness is the innovative strength of our companies. In these difficult times, we can only succeed together in transforming the chemical industry and the value chain towards climate neutrality while remaining globally competitive." 
Dr. Kirsten Bender
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia


Our Region

Heart of EU chemical Industry

Heart of EU chemical Industry

The trilateral region of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), Flanders (Belgium) and the Netherlands is home to one of the most powerful clusters of the chemical industry in the world. Key facts: 350.000 direct jobs and 180 billion EUR turnover.
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